Dear Friend,
Earlier this year we made the decision to hold the 44th Annual Florida Asphalt Conference and Trade Show in person. We knew going in that we would have to implement extra-ordinary safety precautions to ensure all of our guests could safely attend. We were proud of the program we had put together and felt confident that all of our attendees would be safe from exposure to the Corona Virus.
However, the recent sudden and dramatic rise in cases that Florida has experienced has changed the Association's view, and we are no longer confident that even our best mitigation efforts would prove impregnable to this communicable foe. Therefore, we have made the tough decision to cancel this year's event.
We will begin processing total refunds immediately and the hotel will automatically cancel reservations made in the Association's block tomorrow (Friday, November 20th) at 5:00pm unless told otherwise.
Certain educational portions of our conference will be made available online in the near future. We will publish this information on our website and social media as it comes available.
I am personally disappointed we will not be meeting. But at the end of the day, Safety is the top priority of the Association and our commitment to this does not stop at the end of a Work Zone.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.